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NEPA and ESA Compliance

•Environmental Impact Statements

•Environmental Assessments

•Biological Assessments/ Biological Evaluations

Wetlands and CWA Permitting

•Wetland Delineations

•CWA Wetland Permits

•Wetland Mitigation & Restoration

Vegetation Services

•Vegetation Mapping / Monitoring

•Rare Plant Surveys

•Floristic Inventories

Noxious and Invasive Weeds

•Weed Mapping

•Integrated Weed Management Plans

•Commercial Pesticide Applicator

Wildlife Services

•Terrestrial Wildlife and Avian Surveys

•Prairie Dog Management

•Migratory Bird  Treaty Act / Bald Eagle Protection Act Compliance

Ecological Restoration

•Design and Permitting

•Planting and Seeding Plans

•Construction Oversight

•Maintenance and Monitoring

Conservation Easements

•Baseline Documentation


•Compliance with IRS guidelines


•Sub-meter Data Collection

•Resource Mapping

•Advanced Spatial Analysis

•Lidar Processing and Integration

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